Webinar Details

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
9:30 AM EDT (GMT-4) | 3:30pm CEST (GMT+2)

Live remote experimentation has been used to control mechatronic systems for over 25 years. These systems, with dynamics ranging from milliseconds to seconds, are perfect for remote observation because they don’t require time manipulation to be effectively studied. The Quanser QUBEs, in particular, are ideal for remote control and observation. 

In this talk, Dr. Christophe Salzmann will start by briefly defining live remote experimentation and introducing a mechanical extension that his team has developed for the QUBE, enabling full remote control. Next, he will focus on the client, the server and the communication protocol and present the integration of QUBEs in a server farm. They are currently hosting 25 setups, with 35 more on the way. Access to these setups is provided via a MOOC. Finally, Dr. Christophe will give some considerations on how to rework a lab protocol when more students than setups need to be accommodated. 

Presenter’s Bio

Dr. Christophe Salzmann

Christophe Salzmann is a Senior Research Associate and Lecturer with EPFL. Salzmann received the M.S. degree in computer and information sciences from the University of Florida, and the Ph.D. degree from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). His research interests include Massive Open Online Laboratories in collaboration with Massive Open Online Courses, intelligent and collaborative systems, Web-based interaction systems, distributed Web technologies, and real-time interaction over the Internet. He runs a Remote experimentation farm with 25 (soon 60) setups freely available 24/7. 

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